Recent Artwork

As you can see, we have a lack of recent art... Artist Hours is just starting off, and so we need your help! Make sure to participate in Artist Hours, and email me your art to have it featured on our website!

What exactly is Artist Hours?

I love art. Art is amazing. I am a (VERY) amateur artist myself! I've only found one issue with it. Sometimes it's difficult to find the motivation to practice your art. That is the number one problem that I've had, and so I decided to do some research. I found that other people were having the same issue as me, and so that is how Artist Hours came to be.

Artist Hours works on a competitive point based system, designed to motivate users to practice. Players try to reach first place each month, by collecting more points than the other players.

How do you collect points you ask? That is a very good question. If you scroll down, you'll see an hourglass, with levels on it. Print it off. When you practice for one hour, you receive ten points. Make sure to shade the hourglass as you practice! You probably noticed that there are also a bunch of boxes under a heading that says "TASKS". Tasks are little activities that you can complete, that will give you five points once you've finished the objective. Make sure to color in a task box each time you finish a task worth five points! 

You've colored a few hourglass score sheets in, and you're not sure what you're suppose to do with them. That's easy enough to answer! You just need to submit your score sheets to me by midnight on the last day of the month. Each month everyone hands in their score sheets, and the scores reset to zero. You can hand in your score sheets to me by taking a clear picture of them, and emailing it to me ( If you have any questions about Artist Hours, make sure you just send me an email, and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can!

Printable Hourglass Score Sheet